Recount Text Liburan di Rumah Paman dalam bahasa inggris


     Peristiwa atau pengalaman yang sering dijadikan sebagai contoh recount text adalah liburan sekolah. Yup, recount text terkadang menjadi tugas sendiri ketika sekolah sedang libur, baik libur semester atau libur panjang untuk mengetahui apa yang dilakukan siswa saat liburan. Nah, berikut adalah salah satu contoh recount text singkat tentang liburan berkunjung ke rumah paman. Semoga bermanfaat

Holiday at Uncle's House

    On the school holiday, I took a vacation to my uncle's house in at Puncak, Bogor. I deliberately chose uncle's house because I was tired of the holidays in the city and I wanted to try a holiday with a new atmosphere. My uncle lived in a village that was still very natural and away from pollution.

    I really enjoyed my vacation this time by doing a variety of fun activities such as plowing rice fields, picking tea leaves, playing with the village children and many more. Of the many activities I had there, picking tea leaves and playing with the village kids was a very memorable experience for me.

    At that moment, I was relaxing in front of the porch, suddenly Bob, my nephew invited me to play with him. I followed him to a field not far from my uncle's house. In there, I was introduced by his friends, they are Shinta, Reza, Doni, and Ardi. They are very kind and friendly. I was very happy to make new friends. Then they invited me to go to the tea garden on the hill. Since I had never seen a tea garden before, I agreed. Soon we went to the garden together. As far as I was there, I was amazed by the sight I saw.

    The wide and green tea gardens covered the hills added with the spectacular valley scenery. Suddenly Reza woke me out of my daydream and gave me a sack. At first I did not understand what the sack was for, until finally he explained that we would race to pick tea leaves.

    I also agreed, immediately we split and picked the young tea leaves. I quickly rushed through the crowded garden and plucked the young leaves. However, as I went deeper, I saw a very large snake passing through my front.

    I fell and screamed in terror. All my life, I just saw a big snake walking in front of me. Heard I screamed all my friends approached me. They were surprised, but not as frightened as me at the time. Finally Budi and Reza tried to  throw away the snake by using a tree branch. I was relieved that the snake had gone away and I also thanked them.

    After that we finished the activities of picking tea leaves and resting for a moment under the tree to unwind. At that moment they laughed at me because I was so scared when I saw the snake. I laughed too.

    Moments later, Reza invited us all to go to the River. Once we got there I was amazed that the water was still very clear and fresh. We decided to swim. We all took off our shirts and jumped off the cliff into a not so deep river. It was so enjoyable.

    As it was getting late, we decided to return home. I and Budi went home together. However, before we parted they promised to take me to the fields tomorrow. I can not wait for tomorrow. It was a very pleasant day for me because I had new friends and experiences.

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